Saturday, April 10, 2010

Googly Eyes

Most people who know me know I am obsessed with googly eyes. Almost too much for my own good. As a result, here's a monoprint I made where I use them to form an alphabet. I used some white acryclic to fuss with some details and pop out the letters.

I thought it'd be a good move to use a bit of black in the upper right corner, but I don't think I like it too much anymore. I like how delicate the rest of it looks in comparison. I'll probably redo it and edit this post soon!

I also tried a variation where I only monoprinted the background to get that beautiful texture and then silkscreened the letters on top of it, but I'm not feeling it too much. That could change with time. Its been known to happen.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

All Everybody Wants Is Sugar


The exciting part is I think I have the necessary ten pieces for my final portfolio review. On the other hand, nothing ever seems to be enough.

This was probably the best piece I made my junior year, also for Marcos Chin's Fashion Illustration Class.

For the assignment, we received a variety of Andy Warhol quotes and we needed to pick one to illustrate. I have my other sketches, but they were pretty terrible; however, I did go through an extensive refinement process before I went to final, as you can see.

This ended up being the final drawing which transferred pretty accurately into the final. Regardless, there were still things I could have refined. Mostly, the honey oozing from the trees.


Like the last piece I posted, I also ended up refinishing this piece as a silkscreen print. I think, in general, it works a lot better than the original. It feels warmer, the way it should feel.

I have a couple of cool projects going on which should be done within the next couple of days, so expect more updates!


Here's a sneak at a final I'm working on tomorrow, mostly for the sake of copyright. I scanned in the sketch to blow it up and left it in the print shop scanner by accident.
