Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Makin' Moves

YES! Finally, got those two new prints done! This first one required some perseverance...

I'm actually buggin' out a bit for showing this terrible ailment on the eyes, but it just makes me that much happier with the final outcome. This print was barraging me with challenges (the atmosphere versus the medium being the biggest), but I learned so much about screen printing in the process.

Done?...NO! I was okay with it at this point, but something didn't feel right...and when something doesn't feel right it just means somethings wrong, so.... fix it! Plus...


This print, on the other hand, came really easy...almost too easy. It was also one of those "I'm realizing as I'm making this that it means more to me than I originally thought it did" pieces, which is a fun plus whenever I'm making new work!

Gonna keep makin' moves and hopefully have BRAND SPANKIN' NEW pieces to share next week!...maybe good news concerning a newly acquired job? Lets not overwhelm my luck! In the meantime... close friend, Erin Dodge, is one of five finalists up for the opportunity to be the new Chopsticks NY cover artist for the 2011 calendar year! You can view the all the finalists work on their home page AND vote for Erin in the process! Loca would be eternally grateful!

I also highly recommend making your way to the Whitney to check out the exhibitions Off the Wall: Part 1 - Thirty Performative Actions and Heat Waves in a Swamp: The Paintings of Charles Burchfield. I'm not someone who is big on performance art, but the show is very interesting and worth a look at.

As for Burchfield, Charlie Yoder turned me on to him at the print shop when he compared my Cloud of Hope piece to his work. His large scale watercolors are IN-CRED-IB-LE! My work hardly stands up to them! They're reeeeeally gorgeous. If you're a painter and miss this show...HECK, even if you're not, you'd be out of your mind. Really inspiring! There's even a room decked out in a wallpaper print he designed...which is MIND BLOWING. GO!


  1. Wow, is that really print?!! It looks great!!! The details of the houses (or huts?) are so mysterious. I love it!

  2. Yes! I used a china marker to make the texture more interesting.

    Thanks so much, Shigeko! I can't wait to see more of your work!
