CREEPS IV IS HERE!! Stop by the Release Party this Friday, October 18th from 7 - 9 PM at Desert Island to get your first look or purchase our newest annual!
The Creeps Collective invites you to attend the release of our fourth annual, CREEPS IV, on Friday, October 18th at Desert Island from 7 - 9 PM.
CREEPS IV, the Collective's FIRST full color annual, features art and writing by 24 veteran and new CREEPS bound in a screen printed cover illustrated by the incredible White Swallows w/ a fold out insert by Giancarlo Corbacho.
The Creeps Collective invites you to attend the release of our fourth annual, CREEPS IV, on Friday, October 18th at Desert Island from 7 - 9 PM. Stay tuned for the official poster release and information on how you can obtain your own copy of our first full color issue! ◼️ ◻️
The Creeps Collective is ecstatic to announce the contributors of this year’s fourth-coming release! CREEPS IV will highlight the work of 26 past, present, and future creeps who exude an affinity for the grotesque, strange, and semi-inappropriate in our first ever FULL COLOR issue. Satisfy your taste buds ‘til the release later this month by perusing their websites below!